Episode 59: Those Who Do Not Learn From Previous Dates Are Doomed to Repeat Them
Captain’s Blog, Stardate: Date night. I can’t believe I’m going through with this. “Admiral” Kathy has asked me out to go see some band I’ve...
Episode 58: It’s Just Another Maniacal Monday
The extended stay at Starbase 404 actually turned out to be kind of a good thing, at least in terms of everybody’s respective to-do lists....
Episode 57: Discount Away Team
It had been several months since Captain Clerk finally got up the nerve to ask Lt. Commander Info what his real name was,but he still had...
Episode 56: The New Hires
Captain’s Blog, Stardate: six months after we left off. Things have been relatively calm since we got cancelled. I guess being off the air kinda...
Episode 55: Always the Last One to Hear About It
“Cap’m! Cap’m! Hey Cap’m!” The perennially annoying voice of the Head of Maintenance could be heard, muffled, through the door to Captain Clerk’s quarters. Clerk...