Episode 34: Onward, At Last!
After taking a deep breath and assuring his Security Officer that he would not damage any of the electronics he was standing in front of,...
Episode 33: Take a Walk on the Out Side
Captain’s Blog, Stardate: The Middle of the Night, and I’d rather be asleep. The U.S.S. Citation just arrived to jump us off so we can...
Episode 32: Gearing Up
“Captain, you get out of that room this instant!” Clerk knew he wasn’t going to win this battle. Janet Rind had 20 years of yeoman...
Episode 31: Don’t Sit Under the Holo-Tree with Anyone Else But Me
“Pete and RePete beamed down to a planet. Pete was a redshirt security officer. Who beamed back up?” Commander Klaa’ck sat back in the Big...
Episode 30: Okay, Captain, We’ve Had a Problem Here
Captain’s Blog, Stardate… um… does anybody have a watch? I left mine back on the… oh, never mind. Anyways, we have just rescued Captain Safeway...